Friday, May 15, 2020

I Am Legend Film Analysis Essay - 1227 Words

Jessica Wang English 106 10 April 2008 Robert Neville is the last normal living man in the world. The all of New York City is in ruins. How long can Robert Neville survive alone with his dog in a world of vampires and how long do you think you can live in this case? The film, I Am Legend is a post-apocalyptic science fiction film directed by Francis Lawrence and starring Will Smith. It was released on December 14th, 2007. This film is actually the third adaptation of Richard Matheson’s novel of the same name from 1954. Smith plays virologist Robert Neville, who lives in New York City in 2012, which is inhabited by animalistic victims of the virus. He is immune to a vicious man-made virus originally created to cure cancer and works to†¦show more content†¦It tells us that technology sometimes is dangerous and vital if we cannot gain power over it. Later in the movie, Dr. Neville takes Anna to the lab, Anna is amazed to see the zombies lying on the bed, and simply sighed† Oh my god†, Dr. Neville just said calmly â€Å"God didn’t do this; we did†. Again, Dr. Neville uncovered the truth that all the faults actually are made by ourselves though new technology does help us in some cases. However, human begins should be responsible for what they have done to the whole world in the near future, meanwhile, it also teaches us a lesson that never rush to create new technology at the cost of the whole world and all the living things in the world. There is an alternate ending which is totally different from the original one we have seen in the movie, which amazed me a lot. In the original one, it is a pity that Dr. Neville died in the end with the self-explored; according to many reviews, the majority of the audiences do not like this ending. The alternate ending is that Robert finally brushes up against a zombie next to him and comes in contact with him; he never gets that close to any of them in the movie and seeing that gives me a chill. In this ending, it leaves me the normal human feelings, which makes Dr. Neville more like a legend. However, the original one isShow MoreRelatedKing Arthur Analysis1337 Words   |  6 PagesArthurian Literature Prof. Beth Martin Birky Fim Analysis: King Arthur December 7, 2017 King Arthur: Historically Inaccurate but Intriguing The film King Arthur (2004), as it proclaims is the â€Å"untold true story that inspired the legend†. With Clive Owen and Keira Knightley as the main characters, the trailer looked very promising. Yet, the movie was a great disappointment to many of the Arthurian legends enthusiasts. 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